The fatherless and the widows who live in your towns may come and eat and be satisfied, and so that the LORD your God may bless you in all the work of your hands. Dueteronomy 14:29

~ Silas and Naomi are HOME from Uganda ~

04 November 2010

Love and Protect

To protect our children, our family, and the sweet country of Uganda, we will need to change our blog to invitation entry only.  This will also give us freedom to share more details on our blog as we finally travel and meet our children.  We would love to continue to share our jounry with our family and friends - this is the Lord's story and it should be told to the nations, for He.Is.Good and worthy of praise!

If you would like to continue to follow our story as we prepare to travel and bring our children home, please email us at and we will invite you to pull up a chair to The Orphan's Table.  We'll compile a list of the readers and send you all an email when we make the switch.

Thank you all for your love, support, and prayers - He has shown Himself faithful through your gifts of love and service to our family.

Abiding in Him,
The VanderStoeps


  1. I sent you an e-mail! I want to keep reading your blog:) Selima

  2. Thank you for your sweet comment on my facebook. I would love an invitation to keep following your blog! Praying for you as we both wait. melissa
